Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring is just around the corner in Vancouver!

A few days ago on March 20th, I drove into Vancouver and Stanley Park to see if spring had arrived in the city. Trees still don't have their leaves, but some bushes and flowering trees are out.  These flowering trees and bushes are critical for insects to survive the cooler early spring weather.
At first sight, this is a very uninteresting side-walk,
one that is purely functional.  This was the case
until I drove by .  I had to have another look.

On closer inspection, this hedge was a Pieris japonica hedge.
 The scent was awesome.  It seems that trimming the hedge
stimulates more flower production.

Pieris japonica, flowers in full bloom.

A Vancouver residential street.  No leaves were visible on these trees.

Blooming heather plants in a rockery.

Blooming cherry blossoms.

Stanley Park, Vancouver BC

Stanley Park, Vancouver BC.  North shore mountains in background.

Stanley park, Vancouver BC.  No leaves on these giants yet!
Grass was green and crocuses were out.

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